Faith conversations for the common man.



Listen, question, act. 

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Passion Follows Mastery with Jordan Raynor

The Guys Like Us podcast is joined with Jordan Raynor who is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. In this episode we discuss his latest book, “Master of One: Find and Focus on the Work You Were Created to Do.” He calls us to our calling by leaning into one avenue that produces the most fruit. In a world that tells us to follow our passions, Jordan asserts that in fact passion follows mastery, not the other way around. Jordan reveals more about his personal journey as an entrepreneur and notably his stint as CEO of Threshold 360. We breakdown the importance of Christ-followers in the marketplace advancing the Kingdom of God. More about Jordan and his books and his podcast can be found at

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Reboot and Reconnect with John Eldredge

The Guys Like Us Podcast is joined with John Eldredge who is an author, counselor, and teacher. This is John’s second time on the podcast and in this episode, we breakdown his latest book, “Get Your Life Back: Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad.” In this age of information, there can be a challenge for us to stay in tune with what’s important and good for our souls. John illustrates some of the pitfalls to slowing down and connecting with God but then the way back through some solutions in the form of practices and disciplines to find depth in our spiritual life. John’s book can be found where books are sold and the app at

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What is the Guys Like Us? 


Guys Like Us is a community of people desiring to learn what it means to be a Disciple of Christ. The word "disciple" means learner in Greek and is the foundation of this community. The biblical disciples, listened, questioned, and acted on God's word to learn about Him through a strong relationship in Jesus Christ. The world, no different than it was many years ago, calls on us to respond as disciples. We live to serve, love, and empower others through our approach of listening, questioning, and acting. 

Mathētḗs (from math-, the "mental effort needed to think something through") – properly, a learner; a disciple, a follower of Christ who learns the doctrines of Scripture and the lifestyle they require; someone catechized with proper instruction from the Bible with its necessary follow-through